Certified 100% pure royal green hojari frankincense boswellia sacra essential oil with authorized lab analysis certification. The history of frankincense in Oman since thousands of years ago. All are seeking the most precious as gold which called the frankincense. The frankincense trees growing wild in the area of some countries but the Omani type considered as the most fines quality and used as a medicine grade. The frankincense oil which comes from this grade can be listed as a medicine for many cases as the people in the past used it and was confirmed in our time by science it can cure or support some cases to cure and hail faster.
Here we use the frankincense oil for skin cancer. One drop of frankincense oil on between lower lip and the teeth can kill all types of germs in the mouth. Improving the immunity of the body. Can be mixed with anti aging serum for. Can be used with perfumes to make it stronger long lest. Chewing to keep nice breath smell all day. Breath the smoke of the frankincense can hail breathing issue as the frankincense smoke doesn't bother as its natural. Drinking frankincense water can improve the immunity.